INRY Transforms Election Workforce Management for a Leading County in the U.S
Employee ExperienceSuccess StoryGovernment

INRY Transforms Election Workforce Management for a Leading County in the U.S

INRY Transforms Election Workforce Management for a Leading County in the U.S

The county is a shining example of how innovative technology, strategic implementation, and collaborative partnerships can revolutionize essential public services and drive efficiency for logistics on Election Day.

The Introduction   

As elections approached, the County sought to streamline its election workforce for the upcoming elections. The County faced issues from time-consuming applicant recruitment, laborious onboarding processes, a lack of visibility into onboarding statuses, and the intricacies of consolidating worker hours for accurate payment processing. Collaborating with INRY, the County embarked on a transformative journey that redefined its election workforce management.  

The Challenge: A Complex Web of Interactions for Election Worker Hiring

The processes of hiring, onboarding, and training these external applicants were manual, labor-intensive, and needed more real-time tracking. With varying positions to be filled and stringent deadlines to meet, the County's election department required a robust solution to streamline the entire lifecycle of election workforce management 

The Solution: A Holistic ServiceNow Implementation  

Recognizing the need for a scalable, end-to-end solution, the County engaged INRY to implement a comprehensive ServiceNow ecosystem tailored to their requirements.  

  1. INRY Talent Application: A self-service portal, or applicant tracking system, was established, enabling prospective election workers to apply for positions easily. This automated process significantly reduced response times and enhanced the overall applicant experience.  
  1. Enterprise Onboarding & Transitions Application: The enterprise onboarding process was streamlined using ServiceNow's platform. The entire journey was digitized from document collection to training coordination, minimizing manual efforts and accelerating time-to-productivity for new election workers.  
  1. Reports and Dashboards: The Elections Department gained valuable insights into recruitment through real-time reports and dashboards. This visibility allowed them to monitor progress, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions to ensure election-day readiness.  
  1. Time Tracking and Payment: ServiceNow's custom tables consolidate time data from Poll Pad and ePulse systems. This accurate time data was the foundation for seamless payment processing, mitigating errors and discrepancies.

The Outcomes: Empowering Efficiency and Transparency  

  1. Collaboration & Understanding: INRY collaborated with the Elections Department to map the onboarding journey on the Now platform for seamless automated onboarding. INRY played a crucial role in designing and implementing this tailored solution, reducing manual efforts significantly.
  1. Simplified Application Process: Prospective election workers benefited from an intuitive self-application process, enhancing their engagement and interest in election duties.  
  1. Efficient Onboarding: By automating the onboarding process, the County reduced manual intervention, saved time, and ensured that new workers were well-prepared for their roles.  
  1. Streamlined Payment Process: Accurate time tracking and data consolidation facilitated smooth and error-free payment processing, boosting worker satisfaction. INRY engineered a seamless integration between the County's existing HCM and the ServiceNow platform. INRY set up custom tables/ functionality within ServiceNow to consolidate time data, which formed the foundation for precise payment processing 
  1. Reports and Dashboards: Understanding the Elections Department's need for real-time insights, INRY designed comprehensive reports and dashboards. These visualizations provided actionable data on recruitment progress, bottlenecks, and overall onboarding statuses. INRY worked closely with the County to ensure these tools aligned with the department's monitoring and decision-making needs. 
  1. End-to-End Visibility: The single-pane view provided by ServiceNow's reports and dashboards enhanced transparency, empowering the Elections Department to manage the entire process effectively.  

Today, the County is a shining example of how innovative technology, strategic implementation, and collaborative partnerships can revolutionize essential public services and drive efficiency for logistics on Election Day. 

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